Wednesday, June 2, 2010

1/2 birthday

I absolutely cannot believe that G is 6 months old today! Where has the time gone? Before I know it he'll be blowing out his first candle and *hopefully* digging into his first cake. I say hopefully because I hate it when the parents have to show the child what to do. I want him to just dive in with both hands and get it all over his face trying to get it into his mouth. That would make me smile :)
So at 6 months, here is what G can do:
  • sleep through the night (I said doesn't mean he always does though)
  • smile, laugh, and make random noises
  • put everything he gets ahold of in his mouth
  • eat stage 1 fruits and veggies
  • roll from tummy to back
  • give hugs
  • sit from a laying position with help (he gets stronger every day!)
  • pull plastic rings off the pole
  • jump in johnny jump up and sit/stand in the exersaucer
  • pay attention to several books before getting bored
His personality is coming out. He likes to act shy sometimes. He is quick to let you know when he's bored! It also seems that he knows to look to me rather than my husband if he wants to be held. I see a lot of myself in him.
Who has ideas of things to entertain kids at this age? I'm running out of things quickly!