Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Serious matters


Yesterday my husband informed me that there are only 66 days until our cruise.

WHAAAAAAT??? seems like just yesterday he'd booked it and we had 120 days...and I kept thinking "Oh, I have plenty of time to lose weight and look HOT."

Um I am embarrassed to admit that I have dropped the ball and I am so not beach ready. Well, I haven't completely dropped the ball...I have exercised 5 days out of the week (with my PE classes)...and I did South Beach for a little while...but I like carbs and I know the human body NEEDS carbs for energy. And along the way I've had a few too many glasses of sweet tea and some bad food choices here and there and long story short, I am only down about 10 pounds...and 8 of those were during a week when I had a 24 hour stomach virus.

So, as Ming Ming (from my oh so favorite Nick Jr. show "Wonderpets") would say:


I am going to force myself to keep a food and activity journal.

I am going to work out EVERY DAY.

I am going to eat right.

I am going to drink 64 ounces of water a day.

And I am going to plaster pix of my current self and former best-shape-of-my-life self all over our house.

The scale may not lie, but the camera tells the whole truth.

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard of I just blogged about it, actually. I definitely recommend it for tracking food/exercise/stuff like that. And they have groups that you can join, and that helps with motivation.
