Thursday, July 8, 2010

Shot down

I am in desperate need of mommy friends. And G is in need of baby friends. So, after much sitting around feeling sorry for myself that I have neither of the 2, I took matters into my own hands.
First, I emailed a mommy blogger whose blog I really like. I've mentioned her on here before. I was pretty sure that she lives in the same general vicinity as me...and her son is only a month older than G. She seemed to have the same sense of humor as me. And in many of the pictures she posts, I see the exact same baby things that G has. So I emailed her. I asked her about her true opinion about Nutrisystem (which she has used to lose a good amount of weight) and I asked her if she knew of any good mommy groups in this area.
I don't know...maybe I sounded like a weirdo. Maybe she has too many mommy friends already. Whatever it was, it's been a week and I haven't gotten a response.
The other thing I did was joined a mommy webgroup for my area. I've posted replies to several people's "introductions"...I posted an introduction of myself...and I joined a few groups. I haven't made it to any meet ups (there's only been one for my area so far anyways), but so far this isn't looking too promising either.
So, how do you meet mommy friends?


  1. I need to see what answers you get because I sure don't know.

  2. There's quite a few women in my church that are mom's. Actually, there are a lot of moms with new babies. I don't know if maybe you can join any groups within your church or something, but that's going to be the first place I go when I have my baby just to find friends for me and my baby.
