Saturday, February 13, 2010

Confession #10: I've never seen "Back to the Future"

My favorite moments with G are when he's snuggled up with me and it feels like we're the only 2 people in the world. I look at him in awe that I helped create someone so precious and beautiful. This afternoon, despite the thoughts of him not wanting to go to sleep tonight, we took a nice almost 3 hour nap together. It started in the rocking chair, but then I moved to my bed with him. He was so nice and warm and the cat even joined us.
I know one day I will look back on these days and really miss them...but I have to confess that I'm ready for him to be able to do stuff. I feel like all I do is feed, burp, and change him with a little bit of trying to entertain him. He is much more alert now, but it's like I'm just trying to keep him content. He'll lay on his play mat, watch his mobile, or have "tummy time"...but not much else. I want to be able to play and read books, go to the zoo or the park...and have play dates. It snowed last night and I just longed to go out and make snow angels and have a snowball fight.
Robert and I have always loved to travel and be active...and we can't wait to have adventures with our little man. Does anyone have a time machine? Preferably one that will let me come back and visit these snuggly times whenever I want to.

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