Saturday, February 6, 2010

Confession #8: I'm *literally* pulling my hair out

I promised this would be a very honest blog...and I know I haven't been writing long, but I'm going to just come out with it. I have a form of OCD called trichotillomania which involves pulling my hair out. There are different types of trich...some people pull the hair on their head (not me...I inherited my mom's baby fine hair, so I'm already self-conscious enough about that...I don't have much to pull!) while others pull from the pubic area or arm pit (again...that's not me). I pull my eyebrows and eyelashes. I remember doing it when I was about 8 years old. I don't remember why I did it...but I pulled out almost all of my eyelashes and my mom noticed at dinner and flipped out. She thought they wouldn't grow back. Well, she was wrong. They did grow back...again and again and again. I have pulled on and off since then.

I hate to admit this, but it's gotten worse since I've had the baby. I guess it makes since...OCD is an anxiety disorder. I guess this means that I'm anxious about being a mother. And let's face it...there's a lot to worry about. I just want to be the best mom I can be and when you have a baby with colic you worry that it's something that you've done. After a long bout of G's screaming I sneak off to the bathroom and inspect my eyelashes and eyebrows to see which ones "need" to be pulled.

Somehow, someway I am going to get this under control.


  1. ouch!! dosnt that hurt you!?! Found you via MBC! Im a first time mommy also! My babyboy is 6months now =)

  2. Sounds ouchie. Eitherway, I hope that you can find some relief and not do it as much. I'm sure the stress of a new baby and crazy hormones has a lot to do with it!

  3. Following from MBC and what an honest post. Thanks for sharing.

  4. hello everyone! i'm so excited to meet you all!
    @TMB- no it doesn't hurt. sounds crazy, but it's almost like a release afterwards...some people compare it to what cutters feel when they cut themselves although i've never done that so i wouldn't know. but it's like this urge and then i give in to it.
